Dr. Adriana Padovan, the principal researcher on the project DELICROMAR, spent 2 weeks at Tulane Maritime Law Center of Tulane University Law School in January 2018 as a visiting scholar, with the formal invitation letter of Prof. Martin J. Davies, the Director of the Center and the international authority on maritime law and international trade law. Dr. Padovan was welcome to attend classes and use the library and online sources. The time spent at this highly esteemed institution was an opportunity for Dr. Padovan to undertake a deeper comparative law research of the project topic particularly in the context of American law. Furthermore, it is hereby worth noting that the Adriatic Institute has had an ongoing cooperation through exchange of the journal Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law with Tulane Law Review and Tulane Maritime Law Review, the world top academic law journals published by Tulane University Law School, which has traditionally been dedicated to international academic cooperation. This study visit will hopefully contribute to fostering further cooperation between the Adriatic Institute and Tulane Maritime Law Center.