Within the field research undertook in London, UK, from the 19th until the 23rd February 2018, Dr. Marija Pijaca attended meetings and interviews with the underwriters and insurance brokers based in London specialising in marine insurance, including in particular RSA/Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc, Travelers Syndicate Management Ltd., Markel International, Hiscox Mga Ltd. and RKH Specialty. The aim of this field research was to research and collect relevant data and sources of English law and practice related to marina operator's liability insurance for the purpose of comparative analysis examined within the project. Participants in the meetings were open to discuss and answer a number of questions that are relevant for better understanding of the English perspective of the issues of marina liability insurance.
Meetings and interviews were held with:
Mr. Paul Hanson, Senior Marine Liability Underwriter of the RSA/Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc, www.rsagroup.com
Mr. David Samms, Senior Underwriter – in charge of Transportation, Marine and Global Risk Solutions, of the RSA/Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc, www.rsagroup.com
Mr. Edward Bostelmann, Underwriter – in charge of Liability and Marine, of the Travelers Syndicate Management Ltd., www.travelers.co.uk/lloyds
Ms. Holley Pizzey, Assistant Underwriter – in charge of Marine Trades, Ports and Terminals, of the Markel International, www.markelinternational.com
Mr. Ali Welchman, Underwriting Assistant – in charge of Liability, of the Markel International, www.markelinternational.com
Mr. Daniel Shacklock, Underwriter of the Hiscox Mga Ltd, www.hiscoxmga.com
Mr. Mike Riddick, Broker – in charge of Marine, of the RKH Specialty, www.rkhspecialty.com
Mr. Chris English, Divisional Director – in charge of Claims and Marine, of the RKH Specialty, www.rkhspecialty.com
Mr. Ben Simpson, Associate Director – in charge of Marine, of the RKH Specialty, www.rkhspecialty.com
It was interesting to make closer contacts on the London insurance market, even more, RKH brokers arranged the visit of the Lloyd's of London, so Dr. Marija Pijaca had a chance to see the global offices and the world's leading marine insurance market.
Finally, research was also undertaken in the British library where Dr. Marija Pijaca had a possibility to view catalogues and use legal literature that are relevant for better understanding of the English perspective of the insurance issues.