Within the field research undertook in Genoa from the 5th until the 9th September 2017, Dr. Padovan and Dr. Tuhtan Grgić attended meetings with the law firms based in Genova specialising in maritime law, including in particular Studio Legale Garbarino Vergani and Berlingieri Maresca Studio Legale Associato.
Avv. Enrico Vergani arranged meetings with Marina Porto Antico, one of the marinas inside the port of Genoa. It was interesting to discuss with Dr. Andrea Barbagelata and Mr. Massimiliano Barbagelata of Marina Porto Antico about the outstanding legal issues related to their business as a marina operator. Furthermore, the meetings were held with the representatives of the Autorità Portuale di Sistema Mar Ligure Occidentale (the joint Port Authority of Genoa and Savona), including the President of the Port Authority, Mr. Paolo Emilio Signorini, and Dr. Claudio Rossi who is in charge of the various issues related to the marinas inside the port area, with whom the regime of public domain in Italy was discussed with a focus on the specificities of the marina projects within the area the competence of the Port Authority. Visits were organised to the premises of Yacht Line Arredomare 1618, one of the leading players in the business of yacht refitting and luxury interiors, and to Pesto Sea Services operating the Marina Molo Vecchio in the Area of Porto Antico of Genoa.
Research was also undertaken in the specialised library of the law firm Berlingieri Maresca which also hosts the headquarters of the Associazione Italiana di Diritto Marittimo and of the Journal Diritto Marittimo. Meetings were held with Avv. Lorenzo Fabro of Berlingieri Maresca law firm, who coordinates the Italian Maritime Law Association's cooperation within the Working group on nautical tourism of the Adriatic Maritime Law Conference. With the curtesy of Avv. Fabro, a meeting was arranged with Mr. Lorenzo Pollicardo, the Secretary General of the Nautica Italiana - Fondazione Altagamma, which is an Italian association representing the interests of a number of leading stakeholders in the business of nautical tourism and pleasure navigation. Mr. Pollicardo introduced us to the background and the current tendencies in the development of this particular branch of economy in Italy and was open to discuss and answer a number of questions we posed that are relevant for better understanding of the comparative perspective of the issues we deal with under the research project.
Finally, Dr. Padovan and Dr. Tuhtan Grgić participated at the CMI Assembly 2017 and seminar held in Genoa on the 8th September as a part of the delegation of the Croatian Maritime Law Association, where they had an opportunity of networking with maritime lawyers from all over the world.
Asst. prof. Iva Tuhtan Grgić at the headquarters of the Italian Maritime Law Association and of the law firm Berlingieri Maresca, with Avv. Lorenzo Fabro and Avv. Filippo Cassola